Thursday 13 February 2020

new lease of life

Introduction for a new lease of life for
I come back to this blog on a different P.C. to the one that I started it on. I stopped previously because the actual blog~site stopped recognising what the old machine was putting out.
So, I tidied it up & decided to make it a kind of life history & walked away from it by making another blog site (or two)

I have decided that it needs a fair bit of beefing up with a few precis of particular incidents or phases.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Are yuh yellah Bob?

Shit!! Ive just been told I'm out of space on this site (again)
Thats a drag as I have already moved stuff off it. I think this means there is a memory of what has been put into it and thats it.
I'll have to do another one.
 London Surrey Arts, May 1982

Thing I'm really after is dating the stuff. Putting it into context.
Ive got stacks of pictures about, but where do they all fit.
This is not to say that I'm after loads of images more.
I could do with more stuff from "Genesis"

I have quite a few bad photos of work and actual work, it's a case of sifting through it.
Also some images from the ring cycle, even though I got ill and didnt show - I was very involved in producing images.
The LSA site is just about taking shape now - - -
Anyway, here's the link to that site:
Although what with this site jamming up, I can see a separate site for London Surrey Arts forming.

Sadly the "Motherload" site is moving although I dont think its public yet.
but it will be the main site to link all the others together .

Battle of the paintings

Izrael and Gaza
Thing thats getting through to me at the moment is the seemingly balanced, fair and serious people from both sides that start off sensible and then get more and more fanatical.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Maddox x an Ash

Eddie Maddox, cutting back an ash in 1976, one of two that threatened the house with falling bows.
Through the years I have been tending elm saplings that were possibly too small for the bugs to revisit and destroy. I haven't been back for a year and a half I wonder if they are still there - maybe find out next week.

Monday 12 November 2012

LSA principles

I guess that L.S.A.principles were formulated between Julian Pefanis and Tony Wright (two Americans avoiding the late Vietnam draft) and I. Whilst at Epsom art college in the early 70's
L.S.A. started to grow into it's main format after leaving college mainly as a way of keeping contact, but also as a way of keeping the ball up in the air. I met Bob Meecham working in an aluminium foundry and then it really kicked off when Tony came back from the states after having been deported. We were holding meetings at my place in Bromley and also at John Hosking's in Folkestone. It all carried on until I moved to Cardiff and subsequently went to India with my wife Anne.
I bought a leather-bound note book, about the size of a family bible in Calcutta in December 81. I started using it as a kind of "no limits" art diary involving quite a few people, but basically centring around the L.S.A. format.
This diary carried on for quite a while and could almost be seen to cover the main thrust of what we were up to - especially in the 80's.
Unfortunately, the diary and I parted company a couple of years ago, which for me was a little heart breaking.
Earlier this year I decided to jot down in a notebook memories as they surfaced. - So I believe what has emerged is a summery of generally a much wider view of what happened or was covered under the L.S.A. umbrella.
I aim here to date the pages chronologically and put them into order on this blog. Having this as a framework I hope to further embellish with surviving paintings, photos, etc.

A poem, between night and day, with words from Bob Tony John and I. which was also recorded at the time.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Folkestone Revisited

Quite a happening few days.

We took a Chalet on in Dymchurch for three nights, basically to go to John Hosking's two person opening which he shared with Rebecca Holtom.
It was a very rough and ready chavvy site which suited us as we were very near the sea and on the out-skirts of the place and as such only had to take the dogs over the road for a walk.
It seems that one of my earliest tutors has recently died, I heard about it today from Tim Mapson although I am not sure when it happened.
And of course - this morning came the relieving news that Barrack Obama has been re-elected. As Richard Butler put it - phew!

We spent the morning on Saturday with Dave Bridge, Rosemary Hosking and three dogs in and around Johns garden and Studio in the woods. I informed him that didn't deserve it! A beautiful place to be and work.

The show was on Sunday morning. It was a very pleasant and efficient event in an ample library gallery. In fact, ambitious and delightful.

Here we also met up with Nina Gieble and Bob Meecham. Turning the whole affair into a bit of a re-union.

The anthem of the event was produced by Dave and his wife Liz - covering the subject of "Senior Moments"
As for myself, I've been having similar experiances ever since I met Mary Jane in the mid sixties.

And - -
a link to some photos I put onto Facebook.!/media/set/?set=a.10151316564201424.531285.707526423&type=3

The last thing to come out of these few days was the face that I wasn't easily able to show any of my blogs sites etc. so I have decided to put them down here.!/p/a-wooden-om.html   (Martin Humphries)
Johns site,
and last but not least - here is Phil Gray's site that Ive put a couple of things on,



My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.